5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
(Optional) The
specifies the sequence number for the
ACL rule. The sequence number is specified by the user or is generated
by device.
If a sequence number is not specified for the rule, a sequence number
that is 10 greater than the last sequence number in ACL is used and this
rule is placed at the end of the list. If this is the first ACL rule in the given
ACL, a sequence number of 10 is assigned. If the calculated sequence
number exceeds the maximum sequence number value, the ACL rule
creation fails. A rule cannot be created that duplicates an already
existing one and a rule cannot be configured with a sequence number
that is already used for another rule.
For example, if user adds new ACL rule to ACL without specifying a
sequence number, it is placed at the bottom of the list. By changing the
sequence number, the user can move the ACL rule to a different
position in the ACL.
deny | permit
Specifies whether the IP ACL rule permits or denies the matching traffic.
0 -255 | every | icmpv6 |
ipv6 | tcp | udp
Specifies the protocol to match for the IP ACL rule.
Specifies a rule ID, the value range from 1 to 1023.
Specifies the assign-queue, which is the queue identifier to which
packets matching this rule are assigned, the value range from 0 to 7.
Specifies that this rule is to be logged.
mirror | redirect slot/port |
port-channel port-channel-
Specifies the mirror or redirect interface which is the unit/slot/port to
which packets matching this rule are copied or forwarded, respectively.
redirectExtAgent agent-id
Allows matching flow packets to be sent to external applications running
alongside D-LINK OS on a control CPU. agent-id is a unique identifier
for the external receive client application, the value range from 1 to 100.
rate-limit rate | burst-size
Specifies the allowed rate of traffic as per the configured rate in kbps
range from 1 to 4294967295, and burst-size in kbytes range from 1 to
sequence sequence-number
Specifies a sequence number for the ACL rule. Every rule receives a
sequence number. The sequence number is specified by the user or is
generated by the device, the value range from 1 to 2147483647.
time-range name
Specifies a time limitation on the ACL rule as defined by the parameter
Specifies the protocol to match for the IPv6 ACL rule, the value range
from 0 to 255.
Specifies a source IPv6 source address and prefix length to match for
the IPv6 ACL rule.
Specifies a source IPv6 destination address and prefix length to match
for the IPv6 ACL rule.
Specifying any implies specifying ::/0
host ipv6 srcip
Specifying host source-ipv6-address implies matching the specified IPv6