5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
5-175 sflow receiver owner notimeout
Configure a receiver as a non-timeout entry. The command does not have a timeout value making it
persistent, it displays in running-config. As a non-timeout entry, the related sampler / poller information is
displayed in the running-
When configured with a specific value, the receiver configuration is not shown in running-
Samplers and pollers information related to this receiver will also not be shown in running-config.
sflow receiver rcvr_idx owner owner-string notimeout
Receiver index identifier.
owner owner-string
Owner string corresponds to the receiver name. The identity string
(range: 127 characters, default: null string). The empty string indicates
that the entry is currently unclaimed and the receiver
configuration is
reset to the default values. Before an entity can claimed--to assign a
receiver to a sampler or poller--an sFlowRcvrTable entry, it must first be
unclaimed, owner string to be set to a non-null value.
The default is None.
Command Mode
Global Config
5-176 sflow sampler
onfigure new sFlow sampler instance on an interface or range of interfaces for data source, rcvr_idx
must be valid.
command resets sFlow sampler instance to default settings.
Note: Poller is defined as a data source configured to collect flow samples.
sflow sampler {rcvr-indx | rate sampling-rate | maxheadersize size}
no sflow sampler {rcvr-indx | rate sampling-rate | maxheadersize size}
sFlow Receiver for reception of
flow samples. A value of zero (0) defines
that receiver is not configured, packets will not be sampled. Only active
receivers can be set. Expiration on a receiver also expires all associated
samplers. Possible values are 1-8. The default is 0.
rate sampling-rate
The statistical sampling rate for defined packet sampling. A value of 1