5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
For unnumbered interfaces, the IP address of the borrowed interface.
Primary IP Address
Primary IP address and subnet masks for the interface. This value
appears only if you
configure it.
Shows whether the IP address was configured manually or acquired
from a DHCP server.
Secondary IP Address
One or more secondary IP addresses and subnet masks for the
interface. This value appears only if you configure it.
Helper IP Address
Helper IP addresses configured by the command.
Routing Mode
Administrative mode of router interface participation. The possible
values are enabled or disabled. This value is configurable.
Administrative Mode
mode of the specified interface. The possible values of
this field are enabled or disabled. This value is configurable.
Forward Net Directed
Indicates whether forwarding of network-directed broadcasts is enabled
or disabled. This value is configurable.
Active State
Indicates whether the interface is active or inactive. An interface is
considered active if its link is up and it is in forwarding state.
Link Speed Data Rate
An integer representing the physical link data rate of the specified
interface. This is measured in Megabits per second (Mbps).
MAC Address
Burned in physical address of the specified interface. The format is 6
two-digit hexadecimal numbers that are separated by colons.
Encapsulation Type
Encapsulation type for the specified interface. The types are: Ethernet or
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of a frame, in bytes.
Shows the bandwidth of the interface.
Destination Unreachables
Indicates whether ICMP Destination Unreachables may be sent
(enabled or disabled).
ICMP Redirects
Indicates whether ICMP Redirects may be sent (enabled or disabled).
Interface Suppress Status
Indicates whether the event dampening suppresses a constantly
unsatable interface until it remains stable for a period of time.
DHCP Client Identifier
The client identifier is displayed in the output of the command only if
DHCP is enabled with the client-id option on the in-band interface.
Interface Name
Indicates the given string name given to identify the interface.
show ip interface brief
Display summary information about IP configuration settings for all ports in the router, and indicate how
each IP address was assigned for a specified virtual router instance. If a virtual router is not specified, the
IP configuration settings cache for the default router is displayed.
show ip interface [vrf vrf-name] brief