5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
5-378 clear port-channel all counters
Clear and reset counters for all port-channels and member flaps for the specified interface.
clear port channel all counters
The default is None.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC
VPC Commands
Virtual private cloud (VPC), also known as MLAG, enables the creation of a LAG to across two
independent switches for the purpose of allowing member ports of a VPC to reside on one switch while
others can reside on a different switch.
5-379 vpc domain
Enter into VPC configuration mode and create a VPC domain with the specified domain-id. Only a single
VPC domain can be created on a given device. The domain-id of the VPC domain must be equal to the
one configured on the related VPC peer attempting the VPC pairing. The configured VPC domain-ids are
exchanged during role election. If the configuration does not match, the VPC does not become
command deletes the VPC domain.
vpc domain 1-255
no vpc domain 1-255
The default is None.
Command Mode
Global Config