5000 Series Layer 2/3 Managed Data Center Switch CLI Reference Guide
Upgrade D-Link OS
The switch is equipped with an operating system which can be upgraded. Before starting any upgrade
procedure, make sure the switch has the D-Link OS currently installed.
To upgrade the D-Link OS in Linux shell use the following guidelines:
1. Upload the D-LINK OS deb file to switch including the HW monitoring driver.
scp –P 2233 filename.deb admin@Switch-IP:filename.deb
Enter the password (admin).
The following is an example of the CLI display output for the command.
[tester@lhatws1 ~/upgradeboot]$ scp -P 2233 3.2-nc2x-1.00.005-rc-advance-DLink-DXS-
5000-54S.deb [email protected]:3.2-nc2x-1.00.005-rc-advance-DLink-DXS-5000-54S.deb
[email protected]'s password:
3.2-nc2x-1.00.005-rc-advance-DLink-DXS-5000-54S.deb 100% 23MB 23.4MB/s 00:01
3. Make sure the file exists in the switch.
4. Upgrade the switch including the HW monitoring driver (optional), not required for upgrading.
dpkg –I filename.deb
The following is an example of the CLI display output for the command.
Switch:/home/admin# dpkg -I 3.2-nc2x-1.00.005-rc-advance-DLink-DXS-5000-54S.deb
new debian package, version 2.0.
size 24505688 bytes: control archive=4556 bytes.
118 bytes, 5 lines conffiles
362 bytes, 10 lines control
7412 bytes, 118 lines md5sums
2868 bytes, 84 lines * postinst #!/bin/sh
652 bytes, 23 lines * preinst #!/bin/sh
652 bytes, 23 lines * prerm #!/bin/sh
Package: icos-fxn-x86
Version: 1.00.005
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: D-Link Systems, Inc.
Installed-Size: 111646
Depends: p7zip-full, gawk, tftp-hpa, screen, psmisc, gdbserver, iptables
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Description: Networking software for D-Link Systems, Inc..
Image signature 3.2-nc2x-1.00.005-rc.img.
5. Validate the D-Link OS version.
The following is an example of the CLI display output for the command.
(DXS-5000-54S-2011) #show version
Switch: 1
System Description............................. DXS-5000-54S - 48 10GE + 6 40GE,
1.00.005, Linux 3.16.0-29-generic
Machine Type................................... DXS-5000-54S - 48 10GE + 6 40GE
Machine Model.................................. DXS-5000-54S