12778474-002-2 Revision F – March 2004
TSG-3800 User’s Guide 295
Chapter 8 Subtending Operating Mode
This chapter describes how to configure the TSG-3800 as a Subtending TSG. The
information is common to all configurations of the TSG-3800, TSG-3800E.
This is a reference for specific software and hardware configuration information for
the TSG-3800 configured as a Subtending TSG. This document contains an
introduction to the hardware and software that is specific to a subtending TSG
configuration, installation procedures of these items, system-specific configuration,
operation, and maintenance information.
The 3800 configured as a Subtending TSG broadens the TSG-3800 family of
products by providing subtending clock functionality when referenced to a master
TSG/BITS equipped with a Stratum 3E or better clock. The following combination of
hardware and software configuration meets Subtending TSG criteria described in
Section 7 of Telcordia Specification GR-378-CORE.
In This Chapter:
Functional Description
Output Wire Wrap Panel
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