12778474-002-2 Revision F – March 2004
TSG-3800 User’s Guide 101
Operating the TSG-3800
Provisioning the Clock Modules
Adjusting the Control Value on the Clock Module
You can manually adjust the control value while the Clock module is in Holdover
mode. Once the module returns to Acquire or Locked mode, the TSG-3800
immediately reverts to the last control value used before entering Holdover.
To adjust the control value, place the oscillator into
Manually Setting
the Operating Mode of the Clock Module
for instructions), and type:
CLOCK A|B SET {number}
then press
is the desired control value.
Purpose: Change Clock A’s control value.
CLK A SET –3000000
->CLK A SET -3000000
Displaying the control value (while in Holdover) shows:
The Control Value for CLK A is -3000000 (25%)
The Control Value for Clk B is -799 (49%)
Enabling and Disabling Clock Modules
The TSG-3800 uses Clock modules and Frame Generator modules in pairs: Clock
A works with Frame Generator A and Clock B works with Frame Generator B. Both
pairs use separate signal paths with no cross connections. A failure or disabling of
one module of a pair removes the other module from the signal path.
Disabling a Clock module places it into Holdover mode. This prevents you from
selecting the Clock/Frame Generator pair. Disabling the Frame Generator also
prevents you from selecting the pair, but the Clock module remains in its current
state. A blinking FAULT indicator signifies a disabled module.
To disable a module, type:
then press
Before removing the
Clock module or Frame
Generator module, disable the module. This allows a smooth
transition of internal reference.
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