System Administrator’s Reference
Setting Communication Parameters
TSG-3800 User’s Guide
12778474-002-2 Revision F – March 2004
Displaying the Current Baud Rate
The baud rate is stored in non-volatile memory. The default value is 9600 baud. You
can select a new setting for either port using a connection at either port.
To display the current baud rate for a specific port, type:
then press
Changing the Current Baud Rate
To change the baud rate:
1. Connect a device that can match the
baud rate to either port.
2. Type
COMM [A|B] BAUD [300|1200|2400|4800|9600|19200]
then press
3. Set the peripheral device to the selected baud rate.
Enabling/Disabling Handshaking
The TSG-3800 allows the operator to enable handshaking. The factory default is
Off. With hardware handshaking enabled, the TSG-3800 suspends data transfer
when CTS is low and pulls RTS low when the receive buffer is full. With software
handshaking enabled, the TSG-3800 suspends data transfer when XOFF is
received and begins transmitting when XON is received.
When handshaking is set to hardware, the TSG-3800 sets the RTS line low if it is
unable to accept any more input. If the receiving equipment is unable to accept
more input, it sets the CTS line low. When handshaking is on and CTS is low, the
TSG-3800 accepts input but does not act upon it. When CTS goes high, the
TSG-3800 echoes back and executes any commands previously entered.
When a terminal is directly connected to Comm port A or B and
you inadvertently set the connected port’s mode to Binary, TL1, or
Passthru, the CPU will not respond to typed characters. To exit from
TL1 mode, type the Esc key three times. To exit from Passthru mode,
type Alt B. To exit from Binary mode, type the ? key.
When a terminal is directly connected to Comm port A or B and you
inadvertently set the mode of the opposite port to Binary, TL1, or
Passthru, use the COMM «port» ASCII command to return the other
port to ASCII mode.
If hardware handshaking is enabled and the CTS line cannot
be pulled high, there is no communication. To correct this, use the
other Comm port to turn CTS/RTS handshaking off. An alternative
method is to jumper RTS to CTS on the CPU module.
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