12778474-002-2 Revision F – March 2004
TSG-3800 User’s Guide 119
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Guidelines
Frequency and MTIE Errors
The TSG-3800 makes frequency and MTIE measurements between each input
signal and both of the Clock modules in use. Clocks, whether selected for providing
outputs or not, track the selected input reference. In tracking, their control values
are adjusted to follow that input. With an MTIE or frequency error, the source of
error is not always apparent. Any input or clock can cause the problem.
The history of each input signal’s phase relationship to each clock and each
oscillator’s control value provide valuable information for determining the source of
When receiving an MTIE or frequency error, retrieve the control value history for the
clocks and the phase history for each input. Use the CLK CV T100 command for
listing the control value history and PHASE INP1.1 (or INP2.1) T100 command for
listing the phase history. Use
Table 4-3
as guidelines for tracing the error source.
This procedure assumes that two input signals and two clocks
are used.
The difference between minor and significant change varies with the
model of clock used. Contact Symmetricom Global Services if you
need assistance in making this determination.
Table 4-3. Synchronization Diagnostic Tests
Clock A selected for output.
INP1.1 and INP2.1 phase history shows minor or no change.
Clock A’s control value shows significant change.
Clock B’s control value shows only minor or no change.
Clock A
Clock B selected for output.
INP1.1 and INP2.1 phase history shows minor or no change.
Clock A’s control value shows only minor or no change.
Clock B’s control value shows significant change.
Clock B
INP1.1 phase history shows minor or no change.
INP2.1 phase history shows significant change.
Clock A’s control value shows significant change.
Clock B’s control value shows significant change.
INP1.1 input
INP1.1 phase history shows minor or no change.
INP2.1 phase history shows significant change.
Clock A’s control value shows only minor or no change.
Clock B’s control value shows only minor or no change.
INP2.1 input
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