Employee Screen Features
4.6 Split/Combine Ticket
In order to split a ticket, first select the ticket so it appears in the ticket field, either
by selecting the table the ticket is on or selecting the ticket from the Employee Screen.
Once opened, go to the Employee Screen and right above your open tickets, select Split/
Combine Ticket.
There are a few ways to split a ticket. The easiest way to split a ticket is to select
the Split button at the bottom left of the page. This will create a new, empty ticket to
divide the current items on the first ticket to. In order to move items to this new ticket,
select it on the left. This will highlight the item in green. Tap once on the new ticket you
would like to move the highlighted item to and this will move the item. you can select
multiple items as well as split the one item into two halves.
Splitting Tickets
You may find the need to split or combine a ticket for customers, especially in a
restaurant setting. Both options are covered below.