Reporting - An In-Depth Look
Inventory by Additional Field Report
If you have created additional fields for items, this report will allow you to run
reports on what inventory you have of those additional fields. This can be by col-
or, size, etc. You can filter this report further by selecting a specific field to run the
report with. If ran for all, this report will leave them all in one chart together. Items
must have a vendor attached for this report to count them.
• Name:
Name of the item.
• SKU:
The SKU number that is assigned to the item.
• ID:
The MFG ID that is assigned to the item.
• Par:
This amount is set per item and is the minimum amount you would like to
have on hand at all times; it is zero by default.
• Qty:
The amount of the item that is left in the system. This becomes a negative
number after the item is sold if not given a positive value beforehand.
• Cost:
If items in the system are given a cost amount, this column totals it. This
cost is subtracted from Sales to create the amount listed in Profit.
• Price:
The amount the item sells multiplied by the quantity of items in stock.