4. At the end of a server’s shift, they will begin their close-out procedure. To start, they
will need to make sure that all of their tickets are closed or have been transferred to
a different employee who will finish taking care of the table. If they are allowed to do
so, they will also need to go to Employee -> Tip Adjustment to adjust their credit card
tips. If they are not allowed to adjust their credit card tips, they will have to wait until
the appropriate employee (bartender or manager) adjusts them before they can do
their next step.
5. Once the server’s credit card tips have been adjusted and all tickets closed, they will
run their Shift Report, located under the Employee tab. The system will prompt them
with their captured tips (adjusted credit card tips) and have them input their addition-
al cash tips. This amount is reflected on the payroll report for tax reporting purposes.