Admin Screen Features
You may find you need to make additional changes to an employee based on the
needs of your business. Listed below are a few explanations for additional features listed
for Employee Maintenance.
• Credit Limit:
sets a credit limit for the employee if you are using the Employee Ac-
counts function included with the system.
set by default, when deselected it disables the employee and they can no lon-
ger clock in or access the system until set back to active.
• Card #:
if you would like to use swipe cards for employees instead of or in addition to
the password, these can be set here. To set a card to an employee, select the swipe
button and the card reader will prompt you to swipe the card to set it to the employ-
• Changing a Default Role to Custom:
if different employees have different permissions
but the same role in the system (e.g. one bartender having more permissions or a pay
raise from different bartenders) you can customize them so that only the employee
you are selecting has those changes. Select the role that is already on the employee.
The system will prompt you that it is changing the default role to custom. It will also
prompt that the employee must clock out for the changes to take effect so make sure
that the employee is not currently clocked in if you want the changes to take effect
Keep in mind that once a person’s role is customized, changing the original role in
Edit Roles will no longer change on that employee.