Button Descriptions
• Ticket Field:
While on the employee screen, this field will show you tickets that
you reopen from the open or close tickets section and a few of the editing op-
tions will rely on you having the correct ticket pulled up on the ticket field be-
fore you can edit them.
These buttons contain various options that an employee may use such
as opening a cash drawer, splitting their tickets, or adjusting tips.
• Opened & Closed Tickets:
The Open Tickets sections allows you to view all tick-
ets that are currently rang up under the logged-in employee. By selecting Closed
Tickets, you can view all tickets that have been closed out under the logged-in
employee. Selecting a ticket in either of these places will pull the ticket up in the
Ticket Field, allowing you to edit the ticket or pay the ticket out.
Ticket Options:
This section contains the main Pay button along with options
that allow you to easily change the quantity of items, add redemptions, and void
tickets. By keeping this section on the Employee Screen, it allows you to go back
to previous tickets and edit them from the same page.
• Employee Hours:
This section details the logged-in employees shifts and total
hours that they have worked in the past week. However, this can be turned off
by going to Admin -> Company Settings -> and checking the Hide Weekly Hours
checkbox. This section will then display the Paradise POS logo instead.