Reporting - An In-Depth Look
Employee Role Totals Report
This report is similar to the payroll report except it only totals the hours for
each role rather than for individual employees.
• Role:
The role the hours were made under.
• Reg Hrs:
Displays the amount of regular hours clocked in under that role.
• OT Hrs:
Displays the amount of overtime hours clocked in under that role.
• TTL Hrs:
This totals the amount of hours an employee has worked; this includes both regu-
lar and overtime hours.
• Breaks:
This totals the breaks an employee may have taken during their shifts; these are
unpaid breaks and do not count toward their pay.
• Reg Pay:
This displays the amount of regular pay earned under that role.
• OT Pay:
This displays the amount of overtime pay earned under that role.
• TTL Pay:
This totals the regular and overtime pay earned under that role.
• Tips:
If the employees make tips, this displays the amount of captured (credit and gratuity)
tips they made in that role.
• Declared Tips:
Displays the employee’s declared tips under that role which is the amount
the employees declared in cash.
• TTL Tips:
This totals the employees captured and declared tips for the role they were
clocked in under.