Reporting - An In-Depth Look
7.2 Sales
This reporting section deals primarily with dividing your sales into different
sections such as department, category, or payment details. Learning to read your
sales reports is crucial to running your business effectively. This chapter will go
over the different types of reports in the Sales section.
Sales Summary Report
This report includes a ticket summary and payment details and allows you to
pull a brief overview of sales for the given time range. The Ticket Summary section
will review how many tickets you sold, what the total ticket subtotal is, their tax,
and the ticket totals. Below is the payment details section, which separates your
payments into their different tender types, with totals at the bottom.
• Tickets Sold:
The total of tickets sold for all stations, per time frame.
• Ticket Sub Total:
The total of payments taken for all tickets sold on all stations
before tax is applied, per time frame.
Tickets Tax:
The tax total on all tickets for all stations, per time frame.
• Ticket Total:
This total is the Ticket Sub Total and Tickets Tax added together.
• Fees:
Applies only to merchants on the Cash Discount Program. Lists the fee
applied to transactions of different payment types. This fee will be added to all
forms of payment and rebated for Cash and Check due to the way the Cash Dis-
count Program works. This fee also applies when using Redemptions in states
that have laws applying to bottle fees.