Admin Screen Features
6.6 Modifier Maintenance
This button contains the different modifiers and modifier groups within your
system. Modifiers are additional buttons that give further instruction or tack on
extra charges to a main item. All of these modifiers are contained in different modi-
fier groups which can include all sorts of different things, such as:
Sandwich or hamburger options that can be added or removed such as lettuce,
tomato, cheese;
Menu add-ons like sautéed onions, extra cheese, or extra meat and can have a
charge applied;
Salad options such as different salad dressings or salad meat add-ons;
When you select Modifier Maintenance, a small pop-up will appear, giving you
three options: Edit Modifiers, Edit Modifier Groups, and Edit Modifier Descriptors.
They are described in more detail below.
Modifier Descriptors
Modifier Group Screen on Item
Modifier Group Name