Installation Guide
1.6 Installing Your Equipment- Hardwire Kit
1. When you receive your iPad, if it was ordered with a hardwire kit, the iPad may
already be connected to the device and you can skip to step 7. If the hardwire kit is
not connected to your iPad, continue to following steps.
2. You will notice there is double-sided tape on both parts of the hardwire kit (the
long portion that has an Ethernet adapter and a flat square portion that leads to
the adaptor). Peel off the non-sticky protective layer from the tape from the long
USB Ethernet Adapter and place this on the center of the iPad’s backside. The USB
Cable should be pointing towards the charging port side of the iPad. Refer to pic-
ture for proper placement.
3. Next, peel off the non-sticky protective layer from the tape located on the Apple
Lightning-to-USB 3 Camera Adapter (flat square). This piece should be placed on
the back side of the iPad, right beside the charging port, with the lightning charging
tip facing the iPad’s charging port. Refer to pictures for proper placement.