Turning Loyalty Points Into a Reward
There are two ways to give your customers the rewards they have earned.
Follow these steps to reward your customer to their Loyalty ID number, which will
give them credit in your store.
1. Go to Employee -> Customer Database and find the customer who has a pend-
ing reward. Once selected, tap the Loyalty button.
2. This will display their Loyalty Overview. If their point count meets or exceeds the
amount they need to earn a reward, there will be a Reward Available button.
Select this to redeem their points. A pop-up will appear.
3. This page will display their reward and allow you to Redeem Points to Card.
Once you redeem the value, the amount will go toward their Loyalty Balance.
The customer can then use this balance on transactions.
You can also give your customer their reward from the pay screen.
1. When your customer with a reward available is ready to check out and you have
assigned them to the ticket, the payment screen will prompt you by letting you
know how much of a reward they have available. You can choose to either Re-
deem Points to Card or Pay with Loyalty.
2. If select Redeem Points to Card, the system will prompt you to add a gift card.
If you would like to reward the points to their Loyalty Card, you can swipe that
card or use their Loyalty ID number. If they would prefer a gift card, swipe the
gift card to assign the reward to it.
3. You can also Pay with Loyalty instead. What this does is allows you to use the
value of those points to go toward their current purchase. Select this option and
the value they accrued will be used toward the ticket. If they had more loyalty
value than the ticket was worth, the rest of the loyalty will be credited to their