Admin Screen Features
• Edit Loyalty Balance:
lets the user edit a customer’s loyalty balance in the customer database;
this is the amount of money the customer has available to use in your establishment, essentially a
store credit.
• Refund Ticket:
lets the user refund a ticket.
• Highlight Tabs:
when enabled, highlights any bar tab ticket in the system in blue for that employee
under the Employee tab; helpful when searching for a guest’s bar tab quickly.
• Close Tabs w/o Swipe:
allows the user to close a bar tab without having the card on hand to swipe;
must have pre-authing bar tabs set in the system with a pre-auth amount for the system to hold
card information on a ticket.
Confirm on Cash:
sets a prompt for the user so the ticket doesn’t automatically close to cash if
cash is accidentally selected on the pay screen.
• Delete Device:
a function that should only be enabled on Admin users and is a tech support func-
• Allow Tips:
lets the user accept credit card tips.
• Allow Assigned Tips:
allows this user to be selectable if assigning tips to different employees in the
Batch Adjustment screen and also on the Pay Screen.
• Prompt Name on Ticket:
when a ticket is sent, the system will prompt the user to supply either
a name, table, customer, etc for the ticket; the options the employee has will be set later in role
• Start With Diagram:
prompts the table layout immediatly after the user logs in.
• Void Items:
lets the user void items on tickets.
• Comp Items:
lets the user comp items on tickets.
• Hold Items:
lets the user use the hold function on ticket items.
• Transfer Items:
lets the user transfer items or tickets to other employees or tables in the system.
• Clear Print Queue:
lets the user clear out the print queue in case the print queue becomes clogged
on the Admin page.
Confirm on HA:
sets a prompt for the user so the ticket doesn’t automatically close to House Ac-