Admin Screen Features
6.2 Edit Roles - Creating Roles for You and Your Employees
Before creating your employees, you will have to first create the roles you will
give them in the system, which will control their permissions. For this, it is recom-
mended that you create the starting role with the permissions that an employee
just starting out at that role will have, along with the regular and overtime pay rate
they would have if you wish the system to track that in its reporting.
To begin, select Admin -> Edit Roles. On the left of the page you should al-
ready have the manager role created for you in the system by default. To create a
new role, select the New Role button at the top right of the screen.
On this new page, first supply the name of the role (e.g. Server, Bartender,
Cashier, etc) and then the Regular and Overtime Pay if tracking that in this system.
At the bottom of this page are checkboxes that, when checked, will allow this type
of employee to do specific things. Anything unchecked they will need to have a
manager’s permission to do the function or another employee that has the permis-
sion. Below are brief descriptions of what each checkbox does so you can choose
what action permissions an employee will need.