Admin Screen Features
6.8 Ticket Commands
Ticket commands are options you can set in the system that will allow you to
add the commands to the bottom of kitchen tickets. By default, your system should
have one set as DO NOT MAKE and another set as TO GO. These allow you to des-
ignate to the kitchen what type of ticket you are sending them so that they plate it
To create a new one, select Ticket Commands on the Admin screen. This will
prompt the Command Maintenance page. Select New Command at the top right of
the prompt. Name the new command and select save.
To use one of your ticket commands, have a ticket created in the ticket field
on the home screen and then select Commands at the bottom right of the screen.
The system will allow you to add the commands you have in the system to the tick-
et and you can select multiples if you need to.
When selected, these will show up at the top of the ticket field on your ticket.
When sent to the kitchen, it will appear at the bottom of the kitchen ticket. Make
sure to add the command before sending to the kitchen.