Admin Screen Features
Page 3 Settings
• Ounces:
used with items that have departments that charge additional tax
based on weight; this allows you to set that weight. Typically used on items in
states that enforce a sugar tax.
• Commissionable:
sets the item to commissionable; must be used with Commis-
sion Rate to add a commission to an employee and that employee must have
the Receives Commission box checked in order to receive the commision on
their commission report.
• Commission Rate:
sets the commission rate of commissionable items; must
have Commissionable enabled.
• Unit of Measure:
used in conjunction with the Measurable Qty checkbox on
Page 1 Settings; this sets the unit that you are measuring in.
allows you to add a redemption set up in Redemptions under Ad-
min -> Company Settings -> Redemptions to an item which is covered more in-
depth in that section.
Fixed Deposit:
used with merchants utilizing the rental and deposit function of
Paradise, which is covered more in depth in the Employee Screen Features chap-
ter; allows you to set the fixed deposit an item charges.
• Prompt Deposit:
used with merchants utilizing the rental and deposit function
of Paradise, which is covered more in depth in the Employee Screen Features
chapter; sets up a prompt when you select the item to set the deposit rate.
• Deposit Amount:
used with merchants utilizing the rental and deposit function
of Paradise, which is covered more in depth in the Employee Screen Features
chapter; how much the fixed deposit is.
• Allow EBT:
allows the item to be paid for with EBT cards.