9. You may find that you need to swap out drawers midday during shift-change or do a
cash drop. Swapping out a drawer will allow you to keep employees clocked in who
have shift reports available and will allow you to keep open tickets while closing the
morning drawer and opening the night drawer. If you do not want to swap drawers
midday, skip to step 12. When ready to swap the drawer, select Employee -> Close
Cash Drawer. The next screen will have two options: Close or Swap. Make sure em-
ployees who you would like tipped out of this drawer have done so.
10. Select Swap. The first screen allows you to close out your morning drawer by count-
ing all the cash by denomination in the drawer. Select Confirm when done and Con-
firm again if that is the correct total. This will print out the morning drawer report.
Select Confirm on the screen one more time.
8. This will open the drawer and the person running the tip out can now take the tip out
of the drawer. The cashier can then clock out when they are finished with the rest of
their closing duties.