9.2 Cash Drawer Not Opening
There are a few reasons as to why a cash drawer won’t open. First, check
that the drawer isn’t locked. If the drawer still makes a clicking sound when you try
and open from the Paradise application, it is likely the drawer is either locked or
jammed. If it doesn’t click, check to ensure your receipt printer is on and working.
The Paradise application ‘speaks’ to the cash drawer through the receipt printer so
if the printer isn’t working, the cash drawer will not work.
If the printer is working and you are able to print receipts to it but not open
the drawer, the last thing to check is the cord that runs from the receipt printer
to the cash drawer. This cord will usually have two labels, one on either end: Cash
Drawer and Printer. Make sure the one that is labeled Cash Drawer is inserted in
the bottom of the drawer and the one labeled Printer is in the back of the receipt
If the cash drawer opens when you select Open Drawer in the app but not
when you take a cash payment, it is likely a drawer was not opened when the sta-
tion was first used at the start of the day. Go to the Employee screen.
If the Open/Close Cash Drawer button says Open Cash Drawer, there isn’t an
active drawer on the system and one will need to be created. Keep in mind that af-
ter creating one, all cash payments taken before opening it will have been tracked
on the employee who took the payment and not the drawer and the system will
think the employee owes the restaurant money.