Reporting - An In-Depth Look
By Additional Fields Report
If you have created additional fields for items, this report will allow you to
run reports on what you sold based on those additional fields. This can be by col-
or, size, etc. You can filter this report further by selecting a specific field to run the
report with. If ran for all, this report will leave them all in one chart together.
• Name:
The name of the item with an additional field added to it.
• Amount:
The total of the items before tax, per time frame.
• Qty:
The amount of an item that sold in the given time frame.
Sales by Category Report
This report shows your sales by category without taxes, as well as how many
items were sold per department.
• Name:
The name of the category reporting sales.
• Total:
The total before tax that was taken per category, per time frame.
• Qty:
The amount of items sold within each different category, per time frame.