Installation Guide
Star SP700 Kitchen Printer
1. Plug the supplied power cord into your printer and insert thermal paper into the
printer according to the directions in the lid. Then plug in an Ethernet cord to the print-
er’s 100/1000 Base port on the back of it. This Ethernet cord should in some way route
back to your Paradise-supplied TP-Link Router. Power the printer on. The power button
is located on the left side of the printer when facing the front. If the error light stays on
when powering on, it does not have internet. Ensure the cord is receiving internet from
the TP-Link router and then turn the power on the printer off and then back on. The light
will be green when it is receiving internet.
2. Now that your printer is connected, you can open the Paradise app. Log in and go to
the Admin screen and then Printer Maintenance. You should have a printer on the left
that matches the one you have just connected. Make sure the settings look similar to
Keep in mind your IP address may be different. Now select test print and you should get
a small printout for the test. This ensures that your iPad and this printer are communi-
cating. If it does not print a test slip, please refer to our troubleshooting guide.
3. On this same page, you can add which items in your menu you would like to print out
to this printer when you order them. Select the small plus sign and this should bring up a
list of all your inventory. If you select the small “i” to the top left of this column, you can
filter this data further. Select the items you would like to print to this printer and then
tap once on the list to the right to move these items over. Save when you are finished.