Admin Screen Features
Edit Modifier Descriptors
Modifier Descriptors are additional options that will appear on every Modi-
fier Group screen on the home page. These allow you to set words with rules such
as NO, ADD, or EXTRA that can be added to modifers to change what they do.
Some may have already been created for you when you receive your system.
When you select Edit Modifier Descriptors, the left of the screen will display the
descriptors currently in the system. When you select one of these or create a new
one with the New Descriptor button, the right side of the screen will display rules
that change a modifiers price depending on what is applied.
• Add Price:
when selected, this descriptor will add the price of the modifier to
the selection, even if the modifier group rules state it is free; if the descriptor is
used on a modifier that already charges, it will charge double that.
• Nullify Price:
the descriptor will nullify any charge a modifier may incur; useful
when using NO on a modifier that would usually charge.
• Subtract Price:
the descriptor will subtract any charge a modifier may incur.
• Add Value to Price:
the descriptor will add the value listed in the blank to the
right to the modifier.
• Subtract Value From Price:
the descriptor will subtract the value listed in the
blank to the right to the modifier.
• Apply Percentage to Price:
the descriptor will apply a certain percentage of the
price to the charge of the modifier as listed in the Percentage blank; can be used
on a descriptor such as HALF or QUARTER to only charge that percentage of the