2. Now we need to set reward levels for customers. Select the small plus sign to
the right of the Reward Levels box. The system will display a pop up. From here
you can set how many points a customer has to earn before they can redeem a
monetary reward, which you also set on this screen. In the example provided,
we have set it to where the customer must earn 10 points, which they can then
redeem for either a $5 gift card or $5 towards their next purchase. Based on
what we have set up, this means that the customer must spend at least $100
before they can receive a reward of $5.
3. Once you have the loyalty rules set, you can also select whether or not you
would like a pop-up on your pay screen that prompts assigning customers to
tickets or prompts you to create a new customer. To have this prompt, make
sure Guided Loyalty is selected. Don’t forget to save your changes.
Setting up a Loyalty Customer
1. There are a few different places you can go to set up a loyalty customer. You can
do so when prompted by Guided Loyalty at the pay screen, you can use the Cus-
tomer option while sending a ticket from the pay screen, or you can manually
enter them from Employee-> Customer Database. We will be going over creat-
ing them from Employee -> Customer Database.
2. When in the Customer Database page, select New Customer at the top right or
an existing customer you would like to make a Loyalty customer.
3. Fill in the required fields if not already done and make sure to mark the check-
box for Loyalty on the customer. Since they will be a loyalty customer, they must
also have either a loyalty card number or a unique number set for their Loyalty
ID. This is incredibly important as this is what ties their loyalty value to them. A
loyalty card number will be similar to a gift card they can swipe every time they
shop with you. These cards can be purchased through your agent. If you prefer
not to have physical cards, you can either make up a number for their Loyalty ID
or use their phone number.