Admin Screen Features
Force Tip Selection (on iPad):
forces a tip selection on the iPad when Sign Receipt on
iPad is enabled.
• Do Not Require Comp Reason:
bypasses having to select a comp reason.
• Do Not Require Void Reason:
bypasses having to select a void reason.
• Disable Warnings on Transfer:
disables warnings when transferring tickets.
• Rollup Items on Display:
rolls up items there are multiples of on the ticket into one
expandable section; saves space and makes the ticket on the ticket field easier to
Disable Modifier Toggling:
allows you to select a guided modifier multiple times; ex:
having two of the same side for a dinner.
• Pop Drawer on Credit:
pops the cash drawer open for credit payments as well as
ID Verification Mode:
sets the mode to verify age on IDs for items that are set
to have a minimum age requirement in the item maintenance screen; can be set
between a manual check or a scanner check.
• First, Second, Third Tip %:
sets the suggested tip percentage on the ticket.
• Receipt Footer:
allows you to type a footer for your receipt.
To Go Fee:
sets a togo fee on tickets when they are set as To Go when sent; can
be done as either a percentage or a flat rate.
• Signature Line Threshold:
sets the amount a ticket must reach before it will
print a signature line on credit receipts; must have Enable Threshold for Signa-
ture set.