Reporting - An In-Depth Look
Hourly Overview Report
This report can be accessed from both the reporting section and from Manager->
Hourly Overview. This report displays each hour’s sales, starting with the first hour that
begins reporting sales. This report allows you to see your sales and cost and labor every
hour to better plan throughout the day.
• Hour:
Each hour of the sales day, starting with the first hour that began reporting
• Total:
Total sales made for that hour.
• Est. Total:
This is the amount of total sales plus the total amount of all currently open
tickets, hence the Estimated Total.
• Seat Avg:
The average amount each customer or seat spent during that hour; this
amount takes the Total and divides that by the amount reported in the Seats column.
• Seats/Tickets:
If using tables with seat counts, this will keep track of how many peo-
ple were accounted for vs. how many tickets were created.
• Ticket Avg:
The average amount each ticket was paid out for during that hour; this
amount takes the Total and divides that by the amount reported in the Tickets col-
• Labor Hrs:
This is the amount of hours being tracked for all employees during that
• Labor Cost:
Calculates the cost of clocked in employees for the hour.
• Labor Cost/Total:
This is the total of Labor Cost divided by Ticket totals. For example,
if ticket totals are $20 and Labor cost is $10, then this field should show 50%.
Cost of Goods:
If items in the system are given a cost amount, this column totals it;
this amount helps calculate Profit.
The Profit calculates the Total and subtracts the Labor Cost and Cost of Goods
and totals the amount here.