Admin Screen Features
• Name:
name of the item that appears on the selectable button on the home
• Kitchen Name:
name that sends on a kitchen ticket; if it isn’t filled in, the Name
value is what will print to the kitchen.
• Price:
the item’s price for the customer.
• Unit Cost:
the total cost for this item; assists various reports for profit reporting.
• On Hand:
how many of the item you have on hand; useful for keeping track of
limited stock or limited food specials in a restaurant.
• Par:
how many of this item you want to keep in stock at all times as a minimum;
having this set in conjunction with the Low Count Alert function in Admin ->
Company Settings -> Inventory will give you alerts when stock hits this number
or goes below.
• Item/Mfg ID:
this is where you can supply the manufacturer’s identification
• SKU:
an item’s unique SKU that the scanner scans into the system. Can also key
in a custom SKU for printing labels for items without a barcode.
• Department:
sets the department for the item; these are what supply a tax rate
to the item in the system and you can also run reports based on departments.
• Categories:
assigns a category to the item which will dictate where it will appear
in the home screen.
• Vendors:
allows you to assign a vendor to the item.
• Printers:
if you would like this item to print to a kitchen or bar printer when sent
in the system, you can assign a printer here.
Modifier Groups:
attaches modifier groups to this item; modifiers are covered in
more depth in the Modifier maintenance section.