Reporting - An In-Depth Look
• Discount:
This tracks each discount type to better help find out how many of
each discount was used in a given time period. If the discount is a manually-add-
ed standard discount, the system will total how many times it was used. If it is
a manually entered discount that is not a standard, pre-made discount, it will
show the discount but not track it under a name.
• Qty:
Amount of times the discount was used within the given time period.
• Total:
Total amount that was discounted for the standard discounts.
• Type:
This displays the type of discount. If it is an item discount, it will display
the discount type of Item next to the name of the item that was discounted. If
the discount made was toward a full ticket, it will show up a little bit differently.
First, the ticket will be listed in Type. It will show a $0 balance as to what was
discounted. However, below this it will list all the items that were on the ticket
and these are what the discount balance displays on. See example above.
• Discount:
This will display the name of the discount used on the item or ticket.
This helps track what discounts are made and toward what to make sure that
employees aren’t using discounts on the wrong things.
• Ticket#:
This displays the ticket number of the ticket the discount was applied
• User:
This is the user who added the discount to the ticket if applicable.
• Total:
This is the total of the amount discounted per ticket.