Employee Screen Features
Swapping Drawers
Swapping a drawer is useful when either doing a cash drop on a drawer mid-
day, or when closing a morning drawer and opening a night drawer while still keep-
ing all tickets open and not having to run any shift reports. After selecting Swap,
the drawer will prompt you to close out the first drawer.
You will count the entire drawer, same as if you were closing it. After you
confirm, a drawer report will print from your receipt printer. Confirm again and the
system will prompt you to reopen the drawer with a new starting cash.
Once you confirm, you will now have a newly opened drawer to work off of.
Be sure that the employees who will be working off of this drawer use the Join
Drawer button to be assigned to the drawer.
Join/Leave Drawer
This button will allow an employee to either join a drawer or leave a draw-
er. Joining a drawer means that an employee is assigning themselves to a drawer,
meaning that when they take a cash payment, the drawer is tracking that amount
as a part of it. If an employee is not joined to a drawer and takes a cash payment,
that payment then tracks on that employee instead, as if they had a server bank on