PLC Function
9.1 Linkage Control Introduction
The ECC800-Pro provides the linkage control function. You can set logic rules and
control the DO output signal by collecting the signal value.
You can select signals (such as the AI/DI device status signals) and perform logic
operations such as AND, OR, NOT, GREATER THAN, LESS THAN, DELAY, and
FILTER. The operation result can be provided to the dry contact to meet the site
control requirements.
Logic Parameters
The following are the inputs, operators, and outputs for linkage control logic
Sample: such as AI/DI device signals
Alarm: such as AI/DI alarm signals
Register: A register can combine multiple levels of logic programs.
AND: The output is valid if both inputs are valid.
OR: The output is valid if either input is valid.
NOT: The output is the inverse value of the input signal or constant.
>: The output is active if the input is greater than the constant.
<: The output is active if the input is less than the constant.
DELAY: The output of the input signal or constant is delayed and the
output is constant.
FILTER: The output is active if the input reaches the constant.
Outputs are associated with dry contact outputs and can be used for
generating alarms or controlling devices.
ECC800 Data Center Controller
User Manual (for ECC800-Pro)
9 PLC Function
Issue 02 (2020-09-07)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.