The infrared remote control module supports self-learning and can remotely
control the startup of the civil smart cooling product.
The infrared remote control module can be in infrared learning state and
control code sending state. After power-on, the device is in normal operating
mode by default.
Step 1 Set functions of the infrared remote control module on the WebUI.
1. Log in to the ECC800-Pro WebUI as an administrator.
2. Choose System Settings > Linkage Control, set Enable linkage control to
Yes, and click Submit. Set Automatic air conditioner startup to On.
3. Choose Monitoring > System > Infrared Remote Control Module.
4. On the Controls tab page, choose Learning the startup instruction, and
click Submit.
5. Direct the remote control of the smart cooling product to the infrared
receiving place on the infrared remote control module, and press the power
button once.
If you do not press the button within 20s, the remote control of the smart cooling
product will exit the learning mode due to a timeout. You can click Learning the
startup instruction on the ECC800-Pro WebUI and start the learning mode again.
6. On the Controls tab page, choose Exiting the learning mode, and click
7. On the Controls tab page, select Air conditioner startup and click Submit.
The re-authentication page is displayed. Enter Login Password and click
8. Check whether the smart cooling product is powered on. If yes, the control
function is enabled. If no, rectify the faults and perform the operation again.
● After you perform Learning the startup instruction on the WebUI, check the indicator
status. If the indicator on the infrared remote control module blinks yellow, it indicates
that the infrared remote control module enters the infrared learning state. If the green
indicator blinks, it indicates learning success of the key code. If the indicator is steady
yellow, it indicates learning failure and you need to rectify the faults and perform
Learning the startup instruction again.
● After you perform Air conditioner startup on the WebUI, check whether the smart
cooling product starts. If it starts, the control function works; if it cannot start, rectify
the fault and perform the preceding steps again.
Step 2 (Optional) Set functions on the infrared remote control module.
1. After the device is powered on, the yellow indicator is steady on, indicating
that the device has not learned the infrared encoding. The green indicator
blinks, indicating that the device has learned the infrared encoding. The
infrared remote control module is in normal operating mode by default.
ECC800 Data Center Controller
User Manual (for ECC800-Pro)
6 Feature Description
Issue 02 (2020-09-07)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.