SCALANCE W760/W720 to IEEE 802.11n Command Line Interface
Configuration Manual, 10/2015, C79000-G8976-C351-05
vap broadcast ssid, 209
no vap broadcast ssid, 210
vap communication with ethernet, 427
no vap communication with ethernet, 428
vap communication with own-vap, 425
no vap communication with own-vap, 425, 426
vap security authentication, 417
vap security cipher, 419
vap security default-key, 420
vap security encryption, 421
no vap security encryption, 422
vap security wpa-group-key-update-interval), 423
vap security wpa-psk-passphrase, 424
vap ssid, 208
vap wds id, 207
vap wds only, 211
no vap wds only, 212
vlan, 225
no vlan, 226
wds connection over, 216
wds partner id-type, 213
wds partner mac (access point), 214
wds partner wds id, 215
web-session-timeout, 92
no web-session-timeout, 93
whoami, 382
wlan, 151
wlan allowed channels, 155
wlan allowed channels only, 157
no wlan allowed channels only, 158
wlan alternative channel, 159
wlan ampdu, 160
no wlan ampdu, 161
wlan ampdu bytes-limit, 161
wlan ampdu frames-limit, 162, 165
wlan amsdu, 163
no wlan amsdu, 164
wlan antenna additional-attenuation, 165
wlan antenna cable-length, 166
wlan antenna gain-2-4GHz, 167
wlan antenna gain-5GHz, 168
wlan antenna type, 169
wlan any ssid, 170
no wlan any ssid, 171
wlan background scan interval, 172
wlan background scan mode, 173
wlan beacon interval, 174
wlan channel (access point), 175
wlan client mac address, 177
wlan client mac mode, 176
WLAN Configuration mode, 151
wlan data rate-11abg, 181
wlan data rate-11n, 183
wlan data rates-11abg selected only, 178, 184
no wlan data rates-11abg selected only, 179
wlan data rates-11n selected only, 179, 185
no wlan data rates-11n selected only, 180
wlan dfs, 186
no wlan dfs, 187
wlan dfs multi-radar-detection, 189
wlan dfs prefer-configured-channel, 187
wlan dtim, 190
wlan force roaming eth-down, 192
no wlan force roaming eth-down, 193
wlan fragmentation threshold, 194
wlan guard interval, 197
wlan ht channel, 198
wlan hw entries, 199
wlan ipcf-mc cycle-time, 106
wlan ipcf-mc mgmt-scan-period, 107
wlan max tx-power, 199
wlan outdoor, 203
no wlan outdoor, 203
wlan overlap-ap aging, 204
wlan roaming threshold, 205
wlan rts-cts threshold, 206
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator, 391
no wlan security ap-radius-authenticator, 392
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator address, 393
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator max-
retransmit, 394
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator port-number, 395
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator primary, 396
no wlan security ap-radius-authenticator
primary, 397
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator reauth-
interval, 398
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator reauth-mode, 399
wlan security ap-radius-authenticator shared-
secret, 400
wlan security authentication, 405
wlan security cipher, 407
wlan security context, 401, 402
wlan security default-key, 408
wlan security dot1x, 411