One RS-232 serial port (DE9P) used for OIT configuration and controller communications
One RS-485 two-wire serial port (Molex input) for controller communications
Baud rates from 4800 to 115200
Point-to-point serial communications for all protocols (network support for Modbus protocol)
Memory Stick Support
Optional memory stick for quickly downloading project into OIT
Membrane with audible and tactile feedback
Up to 5 million operations
Five user-definable keys, ESC, SHIFT, ENTER, Arrow keys
Available Keys
Five user-definable keys that can be configured as up to ten function keys using the SHIFT key
User-definable keys can be configured as:
Latched button
Push On/Off switch
Momentary switch
Jog button
Screen jump button
Set Constant
Input a numeric value
Set a password
Numeric entry using data entry screen with arrow keys
Esc key to cancel operation
Enter key to accept the data entered by the operator and update the current register
Up to 999 user-definable screens (actual usage dependent upon memory)
User-definable startup screen
Can display text and graphics
Graphics Libraries
Includes more than 500 of the most common bitmap symbols
Store new bitmaps in libraries
Import preexisting bitmaps (8-bit)
Text objects can display characters using Windows TrueType fonts.
Multiple font sizes and styles available
Text can be aligned within a frame
International characters
1010-0300, Rev 02
Blue Series Installation & Operation Manual