Chapter 7 - Using Dynamic Objects
BlueLeaf software includes several active graphics objects or ‘parts’ that are used to represent data that is stored in the PLC
or controller. The data represented can be single bit coils, 16-bit, or 32-bit registers. The data can be represented as
numbers, ASCII characters, or as graphic shapes or bitmaps. This chapter focuses on only parts that perform relatively
simple functions. More complex parts used for alarms, trending, etc. will be reserved for later chapters.
Representing PLC Coil Registers
PLC coils (or binary registers) and internal coils of the OIT are represented using three parts: the Bit Lamp Object, the Word
Lamp Object, and the Multi-state Bitmap Object. Each has a particular function that makes them unique but they are all
constructed and used in essentially the same manner.
The Bit Lamp Object
The Bit Lamp Object is a simple way to represent the value of a PLC coil using predefined bitmaps that represent the On and
Off state of the PLC coil. The object continuously reads the PLC coil and displays the corresponding bitmap that is tagged to
the On or Off state of the coil.
To create a Bit Lamp Object
1. From the
menu, click
Bit Lamp
. Or click the
Bit Lamp
icon in the Objects toolbar. The
mouse cursor changes to a crosshair. Select the location on the screen to place the Bit Lamp and left
click the mouse to place a Bit Lamp object on the screen. Move the mouse cursor over the Bit Lamp
object and double-click the Bit Lamp object. The Edit Bit Lamp Object dialog box appears.
2. In the
PLC/Controller Address
frame, enter the
PLC coil
or c
ontroller address
. Or click the
1010-0300, Rev 02
Using Dynamic Objects