GE Power Management
ALPS Advanced Line Protection System
This category can be used to view event information logged when certain functions are performed by the relay. Information
displayed for each event consists of: Event number and its time of occurrence on the top line; date of occurrence of event
on the second line; detailed event description on the third and fourth lines. The user may use the arrow keys to view the
event information. The user can also enter an event number followed by the [ENT] key to display the information for a spe-
cific event. An error message is displayed if the user enters an invalid event number. Listed below is a list of the possible
event messages available:
Fail: CPU board SRAM
Fail: 960 access to DPRAM
Fail: Digital output test
Fail: Interrupt test
Fail: ANI ADC Control logic
Fail: ANI ref. channel test
Fail: DMA interrupt failure
Fail: ANI board timer
Fail: ANI board serial EEPROM test
Fail: MAG module serial EEPROM test
Fail: Digital output serial EEPROM test
Fail: DTA serial EEPROM test
Fail: DSP PROM failure
Fail: DSP internal RAM
Fail: DSP internal RAM checksum error
Fail: DSP access to DPRAM
Fail: DSP interrupt
Fail: Digital input test
Fail: Model number - critical in nature
Fail: MAG module configuration mismatch
Fail: ANI module configuration mismatch
Fail: Digital input module configuration mismatch
Fail: Digital output module configuration mismatch
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #1
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #2
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #3
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #4
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #5
Fail: Trip circuit continuity monitor #6
Fail: Software version error
Fail: DSP software version error
Fail: More than 4 warm restarts occurred in an hour
Fail: i960 DSP interface
Fail: Runtime flash test CRC check
i960 Instruction fault
i960 Arithmetic fault
Too many bogus interrupts
Warning: CPU board timer test
Warning: Zero crossing logic
Warning: CAPRAM failure
Warning: RTC test failure
Warning: Comm front port failure
Warning: Comm rear port 1 failure
Warning: Comm rear port 2 failure
Warning: Watch dog timer failure
Warning: LCD display failure
Warning: IRIGB failure
Warning: Rear port 2 absent
Warning: Non critical field in model number
Warning: CAPRAM size mismatch
Warning: Frequency error
Warm restart
ANI reference corrected
Digital input error corrected
MAG module error corrected
ANI module error corrected
LCD display error corrected
Remote communication login failure
Passwords changed
Outputs enabled
Outputs disabled
Manual trip
Manual close
Manual trip failed
Manual close failed
Manual recloser reset
Setting changes started
Setting changes completed
Protection OFF
Protection ON
Fault queue in CAPRAM re-initialized
Event queue in CAPRAM re-initialized
OST oscillography data area re-initialized
Equipment duty is reset
Active setting group changed
Protection re-initialized
Request for protection re-initialization not serviced
Factory settings done
Error in constants used by protection
Error in code area of configurable logic
ALPS Initialized
Trip signals ON
Trip signals reset