ALPS Advanced Line Protection System
GE Power Management
Click on the OK button. Pull down the Tools menu.
Verify the following:
There are two tools and they are in the correct order.
The two tools are followed by a separator bar and the Setup menu item.
Select the Setup menu item again. Leave the first item in the Menu contents list box selected. Add a third tool.
Verify that the tool gets added after the first tool and before the second tool.
Click on the OK button. Pull down the Tools menu.
There are three tools and they are in the correct order.
The three tools are followed by a separator bar and the Setup menu item.
To Remove a tool, select the Setup menu item again. Select the second item in the Menu contents list box. Click on the
Remove button.
Verify that the selected item gets removed from the Menu contents list box and that the item immediately below the
one removed is selected.
Click on the OK button. Pull down the Tools menu.
Verify that there are two tools and they are in the correct order.
The two tools are followed by a separator bar and the Setup menu item.