DSP56300 Platform
Symphony DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
barrel shifter, 24-bit addressing, an instruction patch module and direct memory access (DMA).
DSP56300 core features include:
DSP56300 modular chassis
250 million instructions per second (MIPS) with a 150 MHz clock with 1.2 V internal logic supply
Object code-compatible with DSP56000 core
Data ALU with 24
24 bit multiplier-accumulator and 56-bit barrel shifter plus support for 16-bit
Program control with support for position-independent code and instruction patches
8-channel DMA controller
Support for internal address-tracing plus OnCE for hardware/software debugging
STOP and WAIT low-power standby modes
DSP56300 Block Descriptions
The DSP56300 core provides five main functional blocks:
Data arithmetic logic unit (Data ALU)
Address generation unit (AGU)
Program control unit (PCU)
Internal Data Bus Switch
OnCE module
DSP56300 core features are described fully in the DSP56300 Family Manual.
Data ALU
The Data ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical operations on data operands in the DSP56300 core.
Data ALU features include:
Fully pipelined 24-bit
24-bit parallel multiplier-accumulator (MAC)
Bit field unit, comprising a 56-bit parallel barrel shifter (fast shift and normalization, bit stream
generation and parsing)
Conditional ALU instructions
24-bit or 16-bit arithmetic support under software control
Four 24-bit input general purpose registers: X1, X0, Y1 and Y0
Six Data ALU registers (A2, A1, A0, B2, B1 and B0), that are concatenated into two general
purpose 56-bit accumulators (A and B), plus accumulator shifters
Two data bus shifter/limiter circuits