Symphony DSP56724/DSP56725 Multi-Core Audio Processors, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Enhanced Serial Audio Interface (ESAI, ESAI_1, ESAI_2, ESAI_3)
RCCR and SAICR registers.The output data bits (OF2, OF1 and OF0) and the input data bits (IF2, IF1 and
IF0) are double buffered to/from the HCKR, FSR and SCKR pins. Double buffering the flags keeps them
in sync with the TX and RX data lines.
Each flag can be separately programmed. Flag 0 (SCKR pin) direction is selected by RCKD, RCKD=1 for
output and RCKD=0 for input. Flag 1 (FSR pin) is enabled when the pin is not configured as external
transmitter buffer enable (TEBE=0) and its direction is selected by RFSD, RFSD=1 for output and
RFSD=0 for input. Flag 2 (HCKR pin) direction is selected by RHCKD, RHCKD=1 for output and
RHCKD=0 for input.
When programmed as input flags, the SCKR, FSR and HCKR logic values, respectively, are latched at the
same time as the first bit of the receive data word is sampled. Because the input was latched, the signal on
the input flag pin (SCKR, FSR or HCKR) can change without affecting the input flag until the first bit of
the next receive data word. When the received data words are transferred to the receive data registers, the
input flag latched values are then transferred to the IF0, IF1 and IF2 bits in the SAISR register, where they
may be read by software.
When programmed as output flags, the SCKR, FSR and HCKR logic values are driven by the contents of
the OF0, OF1 and OF2 bits in the SAICR register respectively, and they are driven when the transmit data
registers are transferred to the transmit shift registers. The value on SCKR, FSR and HCKR is stable from
the time the first bit of the transmit data word is transmitted until the first bit of the next transmit data word
is transmitted. Software may change the OF0-OF2 values thus controlling the SCKR, FSR and HCKR pin
values for each transmitted word. The normal sequence for setting output flags when transmitting data is
as follows: wait for TDE (transmitter empty) to be set; first write the flags, and then write the transmit data
to the transmit registers. OF0, OF1, and OF2 are double buffered so that the flag states appear on the pins
when the transmit data is transferred to the transmit shift register, that is, the flags are synchronous with
the data.
GPIO—Pins and Registers
The GPIO functionality of the ESAI port is controlled by three registers: Port C control register (PCRC),
Port C direction register (PRRC) and Port C data register (PDRC).
Port C Control Register (PCRC)
The read/write 24-bit Port C Control Register (PCRC) in conjunction with the Port C Direction Register
(PRRC) controls the functionality of the ESAI GPIO pins. Each of the PC(11:0) bits controls the
functionality of the corresponding port pin.
provides the port pin configurations. Hardware and
software reset clear all PCRC bits.
Port C Direction Register (PRRC)
The read/write 24-bit Port C Direction Register (PRRC) in conjunction with the Port C Control Register
(PCRC) controls the functionality of the ESAI GPIO pins.
provides the port pin configurations.
Hardware and software reset clear all PRRC bits.