January 2001
5F - 14
Functions - Cooling System
Service Manual Cafitesse
Supervision Peltier current
The value of the Peltier current is detected
by the voltage difference. It is measured by
means of a test resistor (0.1 Ohm, on the
control board).
The cooling is switched off in order to
protect the Peltier element from damage
due to a short-circuit when:
for 1 sec. the electric current is higher
than 6 A
(error indication 6)
when for 1 sec. the electric current is
less than approx. 1.7A (error indica-
tion 7).
This error can be caused by a lack of
heat absorption from the heat sink (it is
either very dirty or the fan does not
work). If the temperature of the heat sink
rises the electric current through the
Peltier element decreases.
Normally (in a stable, cooled condition) the
Peltier current is in the range of 3.1–5.2 A.
In the first minute after a current
interruption it can be up to 15 % higher.