January 2001
5 - 10
Service Manual Cafitesse 500
Cooling compartment/cooling compart-
ment insulation
The bottom of the cooling compartment is
higher on the left-hand side.
On the right side an insulating ring (1) is
introduced. (Fig. 1)
When mounting, the cables must be placed
in the cable harness (2) of the cooling
compartment insulation. (Fig. 2)
At the following positions the silicone must
be removed by using a knife when dis-
mounting and it must be newly applied
when mounting:
the upper and the bottom part of the
cooling compartment insulation (3) must
be sealed by means of silicone. (Fig. 3)
additionally an adhesive tape (4) has to
be put upon the silicone for better
sealing. (Fig. 3)
on the cooling compartment (5), around
the mounting surface (6) of the Peltier
element. (Fig. 4)
Additionally, adhesive tape (7) has to be put
onto the insulation of the cooling
compartment for better drainage of possible
condensate water. (Fig. 5)
Fig. 1
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 2
Fig. 3