Resource Name: CPU, Current Percent: 86
714 2009-08-20 15:04:35 The system resources usage recovers from
the overload state to the normal state
Resource Name: CPU, Current Percent: 72
705 2009-08-20 15:03:35 The system resources usage exceeds the
Resource Name: CPU, Current Percent: 86
704 2009-08-20 15:03:35 The system resources usage recovers from
the overload state to the normal state
---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ----
To query the history events by event date, and the start date is 2009-08-24, the star time is
16:00:00, the end date is 2009-08-24, and the end time is 18:00:00, do as follows:
display event history
{ all<K>|eventclass<K>|eventid<K>|eventlevel<K>|eventparameter<K>|eventsn<K>|eve
nttime<K>|eventtype<K> }:
{ start<K> }:
{ start-date<D><yyyy-mm-dd> }:
{ start-time<T><hh:mm:ss> }:
{ end<K> }:
{ end-date<D><yyyy-mm-dd> }:
{ end-time<T><hh:mm:ss> }:
{ <cr>|detail<K>|list<K>|start-number<U><1,1900>||<K> }:
{ <cr>||<K> }:
display event history eventtime start 2009-08-24 16:00:00 end 2009-08-
24 18:00:00 list
EventSN Date&Time Event Name/Para
35346 2009-08-24 17:59:40 Backing up files fails from the host to
the maintenance terminal
FrameID: 0, SlotID: 9, Position: -1,
Backup type: Host data, Backup Object:
Active control board, Failure cause: Failed
to transfer the file
35345 2009-08-24 17:58:52 Change of Maintenance User's State
User name: test01, Log mode: Telnet, IP:, State: Log on
35344 2009-08-24 17:58:47 Change of Maintenance User's State
User name: test01, Log mode: Telnet, IP:, State: Log off
35343 2009-08-24 17:58:24 Backing up files starts from the host to
the maintenance terminal
FrameID: 0, SlotID: 9, Position: -1,
Backup type: Host data, Backup Object:
---- More ( Press 'Q' to break ) ----
1.5.3 Checking the Log
If a fault occurs on the device, you can locate the fault by querying the log.
Step 1
Perform an operation (such as adding a board) through the CLI.
Step 2
In the user mode, run the
display log
command to query the records in the log.
You can query the log record generated by the operation you have performed.
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
1 Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.