When the device is delivered, the H801ESC board is correctly connected to the shelf. The
connection need not be changed for the device commissioning. The COM2 of the H801ESC
board is connected to the ESC of the MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T. In this case, the
H801ESC collects and reports the environment information to the control board.
Step 3
Run the
emu add
command to add an H801ESC board. By default, the sub-node ID is 15.
Step 4
Run the
interface emu
command to enter the H801ESC mode.
Step 5
Run the
esc analog
command to configure the ESC analog parameters. By default, the upper
and lower alarm thresholds of the temperature are 55°C and 5°C respectively; the upper and
lower alarm thresholds of the humidity are 80% RH and 0% RH respectively.
Step 6
Run the
esc digital
command to set the ESC digital parameters.
Step 7
Run the
command to save the data.
In step 2, you can confirm that the RUN ALM LED on the H801ESC board is orange and
blinks repeatedly once in every 300 ms, which indicates that the board is registering.
After a while, the RUN ALM LED on the H801ESC board turns orange and is on for 1s
and off for 1s repeatedly, which indicates that an alarm is generated. Certain EMU
parameters have the initial configurations (namely, default alarm thresholds); therefore, if
any parameter reaches the threshold, an alarm is generated.
After the configuration, the RUN ALM LED on the H801ESC board turns green and is on
for 1s and off for 1s repeatedly, which indicates that the H801ESC board monitors the
environment normally.
In the H801ESC mode, run the
display esc system parameter
command to check whether
the ESC information is the same as the data plan.
Close doors of the cabinet, and query alarms. Ensure that no alarm of the monitoring
parameters is generated.
Add an H801ESC board, set the analog and digital parameters of the H801ESC board, and save
the data.
To set the ESC analog parameters (set the user-defined analog parameter ID to 5, upper alarm
threshold to 70, lower alarm threshold to -30, analog parameter name to Temperature_1 with
the unit of C) and the ESC digital parameters (set the user-defined digital parameter ID to 7, set
the door status alarm whose ID is 8, set the alarm name to Door_1 and the available level of the
alarm to high level), do as follows:
emu add 1 H801ESC 0 15 H801ESC
interface emu 1
esc analog 5 alarm-upper-limit 70 alarm-lower-limit
-30 name Temperature_1 unit C
esc digital 7 digital-alarm 8 name Door_1 available-
level high-level
display esc system parameter
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
1 Commissioning
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.