Type (lie search text in (he entry area.
Up (o 64 characters arc allowed lor entry. 1C you fail to type the exact
text, press the CO D E + C O R R E C T IO N keys to delete the entry text at
one time. Retype the correct one. Pressing the ESC key immediately
undos the deletion and the last entry text is recovered.
Press the
(C u rso r Down) key to display the selection EXACT CASE
ON or OFF.
Press the SPACEBAR to turn EXACT CASE on or off for the search
The typewriter searches for the words as they are.
Upper- and lowercase characters are matched to the entry fonn.
EXACT CASE OFF: The typewriter searches for the words, ignoring
the entry form of upper- and lowercase characters.
Press the ^ (C ursor Down) key to move to the entry area of the replace
text below.
Type the replace text in the second entry area.
Up to 64 characters are allowed for entry. If you want to delete the
search text, leave the entry area of the replace text blank.
Press the J , (C ursor Down) key to the selection EXACT CASE ON or
Press the SPACEBAR to turn EXACT' CASE on or oft for the replace
The typewriter replaces the words as they arc.
Upper- and lowercase characters are matched to the entry form o f the
replace text.
EXACT CASE OFF’: The typewriter replaces the text, ignoring the
entry form o f upper- and lowercase characters. It automatically matches
the upper- and lowercase characters to the form of the search text.
If you press the CO D E + 0 (REPLA CE) keys before going on to the next
step, the search and replace text and EXACT CASE selections are
registered and the replace text entry inode is tenninated.
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