Move the cursor to any position of the centered text.
Press the CTR key.
The text is uncentered and returned to the tab stop.
The text is also uncentered by deleting the centering symbol ( |T| ) from
the display.
Follow these steps to uncenter the text:
Centering (TYPE Mode)
On this typewriter three different centering types are available in the TYPE
mode. The text can be centered between the right and left margins, between
normal flush left tabs, and at an arbitrary point: in addition, text can be
centered specially between the left margin and the middle point o f the hot zone
when the TYPE L/L or AUTO mode is selected. This section describes the
operation in TYPE mode.
Between Margins
You can center the text between the right and left margins.
R EM EM B ER .. .When you are in the TYPE L/L or AUTO mode, the auto
carrier return function is activated and the text is centered between the left
margin and the middle point o f the hot zone.__________________________
Left Margin
Right Margin
C e n t e r i n g