Type the text to be centered.
Every time you type a character, the input text appears on the display and
the carrier moves half a character to the right but no printing takes place.
When you want to quit centering procedures halfway, erase the input text
with the C O RRECTION key and press the C TR or C O RRECTION key.
Press th e ---- >| (Tab), ^_J (R eturn) or COD E + B TAB keys.
The typewriter prints the text centered at an arbitrary point, and the
action of the key you pressed takes place.
Right Margin Flush (WP Mode)
Normally Ihc text is typed flush left and ragged right. On this typewriter the
right margin flush function is available. You can type the text aligned along
the right margin. This section describes lire operation in the WP mode.
Follow these steps:
Ty|>c text if necessary.
If you want to type text on the left side of Ihc flush right text, follow
litis step. If you don't, skip this step.
Press the CODE + RM F keys.
The cursor moves to the l ight margin. The right margin Hush symbol
Type the lexl.
The text is automatically typed flush right as you type.
The typewriter beeps to alert you if you attempt to type text which ex
ceeds a line or if you have already typed up to that location at step I.
Press the <_l (R eturn) key.
The right margin flush becomes effective and the cursor returns to the
left margin. Pressing the COD E + R M F keys again instead of the
(R eturn) key cancels (lie right margin flush function.